Welcome Back!

The safety of our community has and always will be our top priority.

To set the tone in our industry, we’ve made a number of changes to how we operate—all designed to keep you, our clients and trainers, safe.

Below are all the changes you can expect.


Enhanced Cleaning

Top-Grade Disinfecting & Frequent Cleaning

Trainers will use a disinfectant proven to kill all viruses like Covid-19 in all weight training areas.

We will disinfect doorknobs, rails, light switches, bathrooms, equipment, etc. multiple times a day.

We will clean the facility from top to bottom 2-3 times a week.

Face Mask Required

~ No Exceptions ~

All clients and trainers MUST wear a face-mask at ALL TIMES while in the facility.

Elevated Temperature Protocol

FFG trainers will be following the elevated temperature protocol and your temperature may be checked if needed.

The protocol is as follows:

  • temperature takers should keep as much distance from clients as they can

  • wear a cloth face covering and provide one to the client to wear

  • wash their hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol) regularly

  • use gloves if available

If any client’s temperature reads over 98.6, in most cases, we will not need to shut down our facility. We will however close off any areas used for prolonged periods of time by the individual. We will wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting to minimize potential for other employees being exposed to respiratory droplets.

Prioritize Your Health

If you’re feeling ill or unwell in any way, please stay home and contact your doctor. Do NOT come train!

We’re happy to credit and reschedule any classes or sessions that you may have on your (active) account.

Any athletes and client's that paid for sessions before Covid-19 hit, will receive a full credit for all sessions that weren’t completed before Covid-19. You will have until the end of the year to use the credit(s).

Athlete & Client Responsibilities

We’ve put a lot changes in place to provide a safe and positive experience—with details beyond what are listed on this page. The only way our new safety processes will work, is if everyone does their part.

  • Please make sure to practice social distancing when in closed shared spaces.

  • Follow all gym instructions.

  • You must disinfect training areas BEFORE and AFTER use.

  • You must disinfect weights BEFORE and AFTER use.

  • If you have a cough, fever, or any symptoms of Covid-19, please do NOT come to they gym until you no longer have any symptoms.

  • If you have tested positive for Covid-19, or know that you have come into contact with someone who has Covid-19, we ask that you do not come into the gym until you have retested negative for the virus.

Trainers are here to help answer any questions regarding procedures!

FFG’s Responsibility

In the event that there is a reported case of Covid-19 and you were potentially in contact with the individual, you’ll be notified immediately and we will take the proper safety precautions.

We understand that there’s no way to predict what will happen—the best we can do is to prepare and respond as the situation develops.

Whether you plan to join us or want to stay at home, we just want you to know that we are here for YOU! Please contact us for all questions at info@ffgperformance.com.